Andy Hawthorne


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Photographic Dilemmas

Life has its complications and so does photography.

I’m at an age where I’ve got life scars.

You know, stuff that has happened that I’ve worked through — but it’s left scars.

Photography has been my crutch to help me get through stuff.

I get out with my camera and my focus switches to shooting pictures.

Life issues can do one for a while…

But, photography can get complicated.

Or, I’ve complicated it.

For example, I’ve tried hard to shoot colour because that’s how we see the world.

And, the modern world demands it.

But, I can’t do it (unless it’s colour film).

I can’t settle on what looks right.

Whereas black & white feels right to me. You get a mood and atmosphere that you can’t get with colour.

Look, you CAN’T.

No way.

I’ve tried all sorts, but colour distracts and dilutes. It has its place…

The Beach Shack is one of my favourite places in the world to eat. You can find it on the Western Esplanade, Sandown Isle of Wight.

I shot this colour photo because the colours help give a impression of the place.

While the main photo above, is more in keeping with the type of photo I typically shoot.

And that has to be black & white.

Because, it is full of mood and atmosphere. So, for me, black & white is where I’m happiest.

There’s that.

The next dilemma is: digital or film?

I’m currently both.

But, if I’m 100% honest, I’d prefer to be all film.

I love the honesty you get with 35mm film.

But, it costs £30 or thereabouts, for a roll of film and processing into scans.

That’s a lot of dosh.

Meaning, I have a digital camera that I do most of my photography with.

But, it unsettles me.

I get photos like this one and it feels so authentic I want more.

But, then, I remember the cost.

And after that: I remember it’s about the photos.